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An outstanding tutor

I love to see students becoming exceptional good in Biology
Role: Tutor
Age: 35
Gender: F
Subjects taught: Genetics, Biology, Algebra
Qualifications: Bachelor degree in microbiology (upper division)
Languages spoken: English
Education level: Bachelor
Teaching levels: College/University
Hourly fee (US$) min: 8 max: 15
Fee and payment details: Payment before service
Time table: Drop a message
Country: Nigeria         State/Province: Lagos
Zip Code: +23401
Max distance: Only online or tutor's home/office
Tutoring mode: Online, Email, Phone
Experience: I teach basic science,mathematics(Basic 7-9/Jss1-3), biology(Ss1-3).I prepare students for both internal and external exams. I give out structural questions that will help you summarize what have been taught. I teach basic tips on how to study effectively and understand topics taught and read. I am very passionate about students performance, teaching is a two way thing that involves both the role-play of the student and teacher.
Nbr. years experience: 5
Current occupation: Professional
Reason for tutoring: Primary job
Available for contract: Yes
Time since last visit: 6 years (2018-03-20 08:17 UTC)
